Jumper: Charity Shop & DIY
Jeans: Monki (sale - 6 euros)
Necklace: Primark
Socks: Primark
Backpack: Primark
Shoes: Topshop
Just under a month ago, I hopped on a plane with my friend to Amsterdam for a short break over Easter. It's taken me so long to conjure the energy to write up this post because I miss the Netherlands so much, well that, plus deadlines and a nasty case of the norovirus which I contracted the minute I stepped back on British soil.
From the little quirky alley ways to getting lost in a city which always seems to lead to the same place in the end, Amsterdam is a dream. It wasn't just the beautiful city I had imagined it would be, but so much more. Little details, from the cleanliness of the streets, the the laid-back attitude of those who frequent the city makes it into a place I can only dream of living one day.
Like any city, Amsterdam was ripe with kitsch little shops and boutiques. It takes really losing yourself to find some of these hidden gems though. Upon arrival I immediately thought about going shopping, to my dismay, most of the shops available were ones that you would find in London anyway. The outfit pictures in this post were taken in Kalverstraat, the city's main shopping district.
In hindsight, taking away the aspect of retail therapy (a little bit, I still managed to bring a very tightly stuffed suitcase back) enabled me to see so much more and appreciate the finer details of the area. I decided not to dress to the nines for this trip, I threw some comfortable shoes in my case and an array of slouchy jumpers and mom jeans, which I fell in love with over the course of the trip. I seem to be straying from my fashion content a little bit at the moment, but I suppose it will all fall into place. I don't love fashion like I used to, but I really appreciate personal style, and this trip called for a laid-back approach to my style.